5.4 Defining a meta-predicate

A meta-predicate is a predicate that calls other predicates dynamically, modifies a predicate or reasons about properties of a predicate. Such predicates use either a compound term or a predicate indicator to describe the predicate they address, e.g., assert(name(jan)) or abolish(name/1). With modules, this simple schema no longer works as each module defines its own mapping from name+arity to predicate. This is resolved by wrapping the original description in a term <module>:<term>, e.g., assert(person:name(jan)) or abolish(person:name/1).

Of course, calling assert/1 from inside a module, we expect to assert to a predicate local to this module. In other words, we do not wish to provide this :/2 wrapper by hand. The meta_predicate/1 directive tells the compiler that certain arguments are terms that will be used to lookup a predicate and thus need to be wrapped (qualified) with <module>:<term>, unless they are already wrapped.

In the example below, we use this to define maplist/3 inside a module. The argument `2' in the meta_predicate declaration means that the argument is module sensitive and refers to a predicate with an arity that is two more than the term that is passed in. The compiler only distinguishes the values 0..9 and :, which denote module-sensitive arguments, from +, - and ?, which denote modes. The values 0..9 are used by the cross-referencer and syntax highlighting. Note that the helper predicate maplist_/3 does not need to be declared as a meta-predicate because the maplist/3 wrapper already ensures that Goal is qualified as <module>:Goal. See the description of meta_predicate/1 for details.

:- module(maplist, [maplist/3]).
:- meta_predicate maplist(2, ?, ?).

%%      maplist(:Goal, +List1, ?List2)
%       True if Goal can successfully be applied to all
%       successive pairs of elements from List1 and List2.

maplist(Goal, L1, L2) :-
        maplist_(L1, L2, Goal).

maplist_([], [], _).
maplist_([H0|T0], [H|T], Goal) :-
        call(Goal, H0, H),
        maplist_(T0, T, Goal).
meta_predicate +Head, ...
Define the predicates referenced by the comma-separated list Head as meta-predicates. Each argument of each head is a meta argument specifier. Defined specifiers are given below. Only 0..9, : and ^ are interpreted; the mode declarations +, - and ? are ignored.
The argument is a term that is used to reference a predicate with N more arguments than the given argument term. For example: call(0) or maplist(1, +).
The argument is module sensitive, but does not directly refer to a predicate. For example: consult(:).
The argument is not module sensitive and unbound on entry.
The argument is not module sensitive and the mode is unspecified.
The argument is not module sensitive and the mode is unspecified. The specification * is equivalent to ?. It is accepted for compatibility reasons. The predicate predicate_property/2 reports arguments declared using * with ?.
The argument is not module sensitive and bound (i.e., nonvar) on entry.
This extension is used to denote the possibly ^-annotated goal of setof/3, bagof/3, aggregate/3 and aggregate/4. It is processed similar to `0', but leaving the ^/2 intact.
The argument is a DCG body. See phrase/3.

Each argument that is module sensitive (i.e., marked 0..9, : or ^) is qualified with the context module of the caller if it is not already qualified. The implementation ensures that the argument is passed as <module>:<term>, where <module> is an atom denoting the name of a module and <term> itself is not a :/2 term where the first argument is an atom. Below is a simple declaration and a number of queries.

:- meta_predicate
        meta(0, +).

meta(Module:Term, _Arg) :-
        format('Module=~w, Term = ~q~n', [Module, Term]).
?- meta(test, x).
Module=user, Term = test
?- meta(m1:test, x).
Module=m1, Term = test
?- m2:meta(test, x).
Module=m2, Term = test
?- m1:meta(m2:test, x).
Module=m2, Term = test
?- meta(m1:m2:test, x).
Module=m2, Term = test
?- meta(m1:42:test, x).
Module=42, Term = test

The meta_predicate/1 declaration is the portable mechanism for defining meta-predicates and replaces the old SWI-Prolog specific mechanism provided by the deprecated predicates module_transparent/1, context_module/1 and strip_module/3. See also section 5.15.